Anton B. SANDER. "Da vi med suk i støvet sad," manuscript (Bef. 1881). Image courtesy of Verla Williams.
The following one begins, "Jesus kommer i kommer nu," or in English, "Jesus is coming now."

Anton B. SANDER. "Jesus kommer i kommer nu," manuscript (Bef. 1881). Images courtesy of Verla Williams.
The next poem appears to have a title at the top of the page that reads, "Mit kjæreste Barn bed for go med mig." Again roughly translated this means, "My dearest child go to bed with me." Also of interest is that the initials, "B. S." appear at the end of the poem on the reverse side. Was this poem actually written by Anton's father, Brede Sander, or brother, Brede Sander, Jr.?

Anton B. SANDER? "Mit kjæreste Barn bed for go med mig," manuscript (Bef. 1881). Images courtesy of Verla Williams.
Next there is a short poem that begins, "O kjære Gud lad alting lykkes." In English this is roughly, "O dear God let everything succeed."

Anton B. SANDER. "O kjære Gud lad alting lykkes," manuscript (Bef. 1881). Image courtesy of Verla Williams.
Finally we have a poem entitled, "Sky Saloonen." It would be interesting to have this translated as the title appears to mean, "Sky (or maybe shy) Saloon (or Lounge)."

Anton B. SANDER. "Sky Saloonen," manuscript (Bef. 1881). Images courtesy of Verla Williams.
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